
Theology of the Cross vs. Theologies of Glory...What is the Difference?95
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Theology of the Cross vs. Theologies of Glory...What is the Difference?95

  • The Theology of the Cross – What is it, and Why is it So Unpopular?
  • Theology of the Cross: Baptism Joins Us to the Cross of Christ – For Life
  • The Theology of the Cross / Theologies of Glory: What’s the Difference?
  • Once you get saved, then what? Growing and Maturing as New Creation in Christ
  • Spiritual Warfare: The War Within and Without
  • Vocation - Sacrificial Service to Christ through the Needs of the Neighbor
  • Congrats! You've Completed, "Theology of the Cross vs. Theologies of Glory: What is the Difference?""

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