Allies of the Imagination: The Two Towers of The Inklings: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien


Allies of the Imagination: The Two Towers of The Inklings: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien

Welcome to the fifth session! In this video, we'll examine the profound friendship between C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, the two towering figures of The Inklings. We'll discuss their shared values, differences, and the mutual influence they had on each other’s faith and literary creations. This session will highlight how their collaboration and camaraderie fostered a rich environment for storytelling and intellectual growth, ultimately leaving a lasting legacy in both literature and Christian thought.


Sam P. Schuldheisz

Samuel Schuldheisz serves as pastor at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Milton, WA. He and his wife, Natasha, have two children, Zoe and Jonah. His reading, research, and writing interests focus on the Inklings, Imaginative Apologetics, and the crossroads of theology, literature, and the imagination.


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