Who Were The Inklings?


Who Were The Inklings?

Welcome to Session 2! In this video, we'll take a closer look at the individual members of The Inklings and their Thursday evening gatherings in C.S. Lewis’s rooms at Magdalen College, Oxford. We'll provide brief biographical sketches of the nineteen men known as The Inklings and explore their notable works, life events, and the key themes of their conversations. This session will deepen your appreciation of who The Inklings were as individuals and as a collective of friends, writers, and Christians.


Sam P. Schuldheisz

Samuel Schuldheisz serves as pastor at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Milton, WA. He and his wife, Natasha, have two children, Zoe and Jonah. His reading, research, and writing interests focus on the Inklings, Imaginative Apologetics, and the crossroads of theology, literature, and the imagination.


"The Inklings" Course Guidebook
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