A Journey of the Imagination


A Journey of the Imagination

Welcome to the third session! In this video, we'll delve into C.S. Lewis’s life and writings through the lens of his vivid imagination. We’ll examine his biographical background, his lifelong sense of longing he called “joy,” and how his imaginative and intellectual journeys played pivotal roles in his return to Christianity. This session highlights the importance of imagination in Lewis’s faith and literary works, showcasing how his creative mind helped shape his profound contributions to Christian thought.


Sam P. Schuldheisz

Samuel Schuldheisz serves as pastor at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Milton, WA. He and his wife, Natasha, have two children, Zoe and Jonah. His reading, research, and writing interests focus on the Inklings, Imaginative Apologetics, and the crossroads of theology, literature, and the imagination.


"The Inklings" Course Guidebook
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