Introducing The Inklings: Apostles and Apologists of the Imagination


Introducing The Inklings: Apostles and Apologists of the Imagination

Welcome to the first session! In this video, we'll explore the fascinating origins of The Inklings, uncovering their historical context and key members. We'll discuss how scholars have classified and interpreted this group, as well as delve into their own self-perceptions and literary contributions. This session sets the groundwork for our exploration of how The Inklings have profoundly influenced the realms of literature, imagination, and Christian thought.


Sam P. Schuldheisz

Samuel Schuldheisz serves as pastor at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Milton, WA. He and his wife, Natasha, have two children, Zoe and Jonah. His reading, research, and writing interests focus on the Inklings, Imaginative Apologetics, and the crossroads of theology, literature, and the imagination.


"The Inklings" Course Guidebook
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