Congrats! You've Completed, "The History of Christianity in America"


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Congratulations on your progress in this course so far! Make sure you hit a 100% completion rate by completing this lesson. This will ensure you receive your Course Completion Certificate!

Before you go, I just wanted to share some additional courses you can take advantage of right now to continue your learning:

  • Introduction to Apologetics
  • Theology of the Augsburg Confession
  • The Life of Christ According to Luke

If you have any questions after you go, please don't hesitate to send an email to


Dan van Voorhis

Dan van Voorhis is an author, historian, professor, and speaker at 1517. After receiving his Ph.D. in History from the University of St. Andrews, Dr. van Voorhis spent 11 years teaching history and political thought at Concordia University, Irvine. He is a Scholar-in-Residence at 1517 and the host of the daily podcast The Christian History Almanac. Dan is married to Beth Anne, and they have two sons, Coert and Raymond.


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