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Patristic Apologetics


Lesson #4 Quiz

Think you've mastered the material of faith and reason in the early church? Test your knowledge now in the quiz.


Bruce Hillman

Bruce Hillman is a Scholar in Residence at 1517. He Holds a BA in History and Political Science from Quinnipiac University, an MDiv. from the Lutheran Brethren Seminary, and an STM in Patristics from Drew University; He is the former Lead Pastor at Hillside Lutheran Brethren Church in Succasunna New Jersey where he served for 16 years. His research involves Augustinian studies, Early Christianity, Postmodernism, and hermeneutics. In his free time, he enjoys gardening and cooking. He is an avid student of both British and Japanese cultures and traditions. Other areas of academic interest include: Karl Barth, the question of certainty, Ancient Near-Eastern Wisdom Literature, Asian Christianity, church and culture, and philosophies of truth.

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