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Vocation as the Setting for Human Potential (Introduction)


Welcome to Lesson #1: Vocation as the Setting for Human Potential (Introduction)

Artboard 6

Let's get started! 

In this first session, I'll begin by introducing the topic of Vocation and man's impressive ability for good and evil. We'll look at the Tower of Babel account and God's surprising comment that, "Nothing they have planned to do will be impossible for them," (Genesis 11:6). It seems almost–almost–as if God is scared of his creation.

Each of us has enormous potential. I know that as an individual, for instance, the potential I have for evil is bone-chilling. But the opposite is true too. We don't always appreciate that. I didn't really appreciate it until I was a father.

We'll briefly review our Two Calls: (1) The call to faith and (2) the call to a vocation. We'll also look at the categories of vocation and what I'm calling, "Gods Economy of Love." 

Let's dive in.

- Mike


Michael Berg

Michael Berg is an assistant professor of theology at Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee, WI. He is married to Amanda and together they have three daughters: Abigail, Noelle, and Sophia. Michael is a graduate of Martin Luther College, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, the International Academy of Apologetics, Human Rights, and Evangelism, and Biola University.

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