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Thematic Layering of Creation & Exodus


Thematic Layering of Creation & Exodus

I want to thank you for going on this journey with me through the Old Testament - I hope you've enjoyed it so far.

Believe it or not, we're over halfway through the course... In our fourth lesson, we're going to take a closer look at the thematic layering of the Old Testament, with special emphasis on two themes: Creation and Exodus.

There are numerous "creations" and "exoduses" throughout the Old and New Testament, which is of course by divine design. God intentionally structured the story of our salvation around these themes, and once we see them clearly, we'll again find that the Old Testament is continually pointing us to the coming Christ. 

- Chad


Chad Bird

Chad Bird is a Scholar in Residence at 1517. He has served as a pastor, professor, and guest lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew. He holds master’s degrees from Concordia Theological Seminary and Hebrew Union College. He has contributed articles to Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Modern Reformation, The Federalist, Lutheran Forum, and other journals and websites. He is also the author of several books, including The Christ Key & Limping with God.

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